Aldborough village green

Welcome to Prince Andrews Chapel

11th February 2025

Who are we?

A group of people who are followers of Jesus Christ. We come from many different backgrounds and experiences and have a wide age range. We meet together to enjoy the company of other members of God's family so that together we can sing His praises, talk to Him in prayer (as a group), and learn more about Him through Bible teaching and sharing experiences.

 A partner church with       Rural Ministries Logo

Chapel building from the outside

When do we get together?   


10.45 -11.45am Worship and Bible Teaching
Remembering Jesus death  with bread and wine, Once a month,(see What's On).

Coffee or tea at10.30 before we begin.



    10-12                 Art & Craft Group 1st and                                    3rd Monday of the month



2-4 pm
Lunch Club is the 3rd Tuesday  of each month. 
Not in August. 

Christian Fellowship 4th week
of every month


9.30 -11.30 Mens Drop In (or out)
Summer break June-September
Chapel building (interior) - brick walls with wood-panelled ceiling. Blue chairs are arranged in rows.

Jesus said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)