Aldborough village green

Poetry by Florence Glister

Being born and bred in North Norfolk is probably the best way to observe the wonder of God’s creation and to take pleasure from it. As you read Florence’s poems you can feel what she feels as she glorifies her Lord and Saviour through verse. We at Prince Andrews Chapel were the first to benefit from her efforts as she wrote a poem for Harvest, Christmas or Easter which she read during Sunday services. A book of her poems, under the title "Seasonings!", was published by Moorleys in 2006 and is available from their online shop. Purchase a copy via Moorleys. A portrait of Florence Glister

The End of the Year [2013] by our own Florence Glister

Another year has almost gone and we look back and say
The Lord has been so good to us and kept us day by day
He has supplied our every need and given us much more
Than we could ever wish of Him from His own boundless store

Each day He has watched over us and kept us in His love
That love so vast, so wonderful, all other loves above.
Through days of sorrow, joy or pain, through earthly loss or gain
He has always been there with us and His love remains the same

We may have failed Him often and not served Him as we should
But He has been so faithful working all things for our good
How sad and fearful we would be as we journey on life’s way
If we had no Heavenly Father to be with us every day

We can leave the future to Him for He knows what lies ahead
If we put our hand in His hand there’s no need for fear or dread
Trusting Jesus as our Saviour and crowning Him as Lord
He will never, never leave us, He is faithful to His word

Let’s say thank you for the old year, for all God’s love and care
Then commit this New Year to Him making time for praise and prayer
Let us count afresh our blessings and seek to show each day
God’s love to those around us, in all we do and say

So as we journey through this year whatever it may bring
Let’s resolve to serve Him faithfully our Saviour Lord and King
To Him we are so precious for He died that we might live
And to Him all praise and worship from our hearts we gladly give


The Glory of Springtime

The beauty of Spring is all around,
New life in all we see,
Flowers come bravely through the ground
Whatever the weather may be.

Snowdrops lift their pure white heads
Just tipped with pastel green,
So delicate, we wonder how
They keep so pure and clean.

Daffodils so bright and fair,
Quiver and dance in the breeze,
Golden yellow and beautiful,
Like carpets under the trees.

When the primrose, such a dainty shade,
With perfume sweet and rare,
With crocuses and violets,
They spring up everywhere.

Tulips of many colours and shades,
Red, pink, yellow and white
Spread beauty all around us,
A truly wonderful sight.

The leaves on the trees are fresh and clean,
So many shades of green,
I wish I could paint pictures
Or capture it all on screen.

Our Father, the Creator God,
Gives us so much to enjoy,
Trees, flowers, birds and sunsets,
The ever-changing sky.

With so much beauty all around
We lift our hearts and sing
In praise and worship to our God
For all the joys of spring.

This poem is Copyright 2006 Moorleys Print & Publishing Ltd and reproduced by Kind Permission.  It is part of the book "Seasonings!".
A copy of this book can be purchased via Moorleys.


On this happy Easter morning
How our hearts rejoice and sing,
Bringing all our praise and worship
To our Risen Lord and King.

Jesus Christ the Lord is risen,
He endured the cross and shame,
Over death He rose victorious,
Let us praise His Holy name.

As He walked earth’s changing pathway
Tasting all it’s joy and pain,
He did much to ease life’s burdens
As He lived with sinful men.

He had power to cast out demons,
Heal the sick and ease their pain,
And when hearts with grief were stricken
Raised their dead to life again.

He so loved He died to save us,
Shed for us His precious blood
On that cruel cross He suffered
Making there our peace with God.

In the tomb they laid His body,
For three days it rested there.
Then He rose again victorious
That we might His glory share.

So rejoice for Christ is risen,
Let us worship and adore,
He has triumphed, Halleluia
And He lives for evermore.

(We have sung this to Beethoven’s "Ode to Joy")

This poem is Copyright 2006 Moorleys Print & Publishing Ltd and reproduced by Kind Permission.  It is part of the book "Seasonings!".
A copy of this book can be purchased via Moorleys.


Summer is a golden time,
With sunshine warm and bright
So many lovely things to do fill us with delight;
Visits to the seaside, picnics on the shore,
Holidays and outings, and special treats galore.

Fields of golden sun-ripe corn wave gently in the breeze
When days are hot there’s welcome shade,
And coolness ’neath the trees;
It’s good to stop and rest a while, enjoying every day
The magic hours of summer, for too soon they flee away.

Summer flowers are beautiful,
Their perfume rich and rare,
Carnations, Roses, Lilies, Stocks, we find them everywhere;
Petunias and Marigolds, their colours bright and fair,
Fuchsias, and Hydrangeas and others we hold dear.

Lush green meadows are ablaze
With buttercups and Daisies
And many other little flowers grow in unusual places;
But if we had no sunshine or gentle of rain
None of these good things would grow in garden or on plain.

The bird sing sweetly in the trees, they’re busy all day long,
The often cheer our spirits
With the sweetness of their song;
As in the early dawn chorus we can here
We lift our hearts in praise to God, and thank Him for His care.

Our loving Heavenly Father gives us all things to enjoy
His creation is so wonderful it fills my heart with joy;
For all His good and precious gifts sent freely from above
Let’s thank and praise our Father God
For Summer’s gifts of love.

This poem is Copyright 2006 Moorleys Print & Publishing Ltd and reproduced by Kind Permission.  It is part of the book "Seasonings!".
A copy of this book can be purchased via Moorleys.

Autumn is so colourful it really cheers our hearts
With its splash of brilliant colours before the winter starts;
We gaze in awe and wonder as nature decks the trees
With leaves of scarlet, gold and brown, the artists eye to please.

Hedgerows too in autumn dress are such a splendid sight
With blackberries and rose hips and hawthorn berries bright;
Maple leaves are golden before they gently fall
Such beauty thrills us as we sing, “The Lord God made them all”.

Chrysanthemums in the garden can be autumn’s favourite flower
Their rich and vibrant colours are all we can desire.
Abundant fruit and berries are now on shrubs and trees
There’s beauty all around us still and fragrance in the breeze.

Swallows and migrating birds to warmer climates fly
As sunsets really wonderful paint the western sky;
We notice now that daylight fades earlier every day
And many things remind us winter is not far away.

Autumn can be chilly but there’s much to warm our hearts
As we praise God for His goodness, the blessings He imparts
Let us go on to know Him in fuller, deeper ways
To be drawn much closer to Him as we reach our Autumn days.

This poem is Copyright 2006 Moorleys Print & Publishing Ltd and reproduced by Kind Permission.  It is part of the book "Seasonings!".
A copy of this book can be purchased via Moorleys.

Thoughts on a Snowy Day

As I looked out on a blanket of snow
So pure and dazzling white,
It made me think of God’s Holiness,
His great purity so bright.

As the sun shone down on this sparkling scene
My eyes could not take the strain;
And no man can look on God’s Holiness
If a taint of sin remains.

But the pure white snow was soon sullied and spoiled
And its dazzling whiteness gone;
Nothing could make it clean again
And it melts in the warmth of the sun.

I think again of God’s Holy Word
It’s message so clear and so plain;
Though our sins are many and scarlet now
We can be made white again.

Yes, whiter than snow, what a wonderful thought
Made white by the precious blood,
The Saviour shed on Calvary’s cross
To bring us back to God.

So as you look at the snowflake so pure
Drifting softly and gently down,
Just thank the Lord for His cleansing power
Of Jesus - His own dear Son.

This poem is Copyright 2006 Moorleys Print & Publishing Ltd and reproduced by Kind Permission.  It is part of the book "Seasonings!".
A copy of this book can be purchased via Moorleys.